Science Diplomacy Resources and Information
What is Science Diplomacy?
The definition of science diplomacy varies and is the subject of much debate by politicians, scientists, and technologists alike. The umbrella term science diplomacy covers a range of formal and informal exchange, education, policy, and outreach efforts.
In January 2010 the Royal Society and AAAS noted that "science diplomacy" refers to 3 main types of activities:
- “Science in diplomacy”: Science can provide advice to inform and support foreign policy objectives.
- “Diplomacy for science”: Diplomacy can facilitate international scientific cooperation.
- "Science for diplomacy”: Scientific cooperation can improve international relations.
FAS, as a non-partisan NGO that works on security and science policy issues, works in the "science for diplomacy" area. Cooperation between scientists and improving relations between the U.S. and other countries is the primary goal of the International Science Partnership (ISP).
Why Science and Technology?
Science Diplomacy is Crucial to U.S. Foreign Policy, Partnership for a Secure America, February 19, 2010.
Send in the Scientists: Why Mobilizing America's Researchers Makes Sense for Diplomacy, Science Progress, October 27, 2010.
The Ecology of International Security, Charles Ferguson, Federation of American Scientists, World Federation of Scientists Conference, 2010.
Science in diplomacy: "On tap, but not ontop", Science and Development Network, June 28, 2010.
List of Articles, Reports, Presentations compiled by the AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy.
Key U.S. Players in Science Diplomacy:
- The American Academy for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Center for Science Diplomacy
- CDRF Global
- The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) at the White House
- The National Academies Board on International Scientific Organizations (BISO)
- The Richard Lounsbery Foundation